
EIC pioneered simultaneous interpretation in Brazil. For five decades, EIC has been translating for a wide range of public figures, small and large companies, educational institutions, non-profit organizations and institutes, to name a few. Our clients trust us with their communication in a wide array of contexts, including critical meetings, conferences, Town Halls, escort interpreting and technical tours. Our interpreters translate anything from training sessions to celebrations, and those can range from very sensitive topics… to really fun ones!

We have a proven track record of successful partnerships with our clients.
Contact us and we will be happy to provide you with contact details for references.

eic clientes show bizz mundial wide
Bruce Dickinson
Buddy Vallastro
Benicio Del Toro
Harrison Ford
Jane Fonda
Kevin Spacey
Matt Damon
Phillipe Starck
Roman Polansk
Salman Rushdie
Sandra Bullock
Tom Cruise
eic clientes nobel wide
Al Gore (Peace 2007)
Barack Obama (Peace 2009)
Henry Kissinger (Peace 1973)
Linus Pauling (Peace 1962)
Luc Montagnier (Medicine 2008)
Madre Teresa de Calcutá (Peace 1979)
Muhammad Yunus (Peace 2006)
Nelson Mandela (Peace 1993)
Robert Gallo (Medicine 2008)
Shimon Peres (Peace 1994)
eic clientes global bizz
Alistair Darling
Armínio Fraga
Eduardo Giannetti da Fonseca
Henrique Meirelles
Jeffrey Sachs
Joaquim Levy
John Kenneth Galbraith
Mailson da Nóbrega
Muhammad Yunus
Pedro Malan
Ricardo Amorim
Thomas Piketty
Trevor Manuel
eic clientes bizz world
Bill Gates
Deepak Chopra
Gilles Lipovetsky
Ginny Rometty
J. Juran
Jimmy Wales
Kaoru Ishikawa
Mary Barra
Melinda Gates
Michael Bloomberg
Michael Dell
Ram Charam
eic clientes realeza
Princesa Anne da Inglaterra
Princesa Diana
Príncipe Albert de Mônaco
Príncipe Charles da Inglaterra
Rei Abdullah II da Jordânia
Rei Carl Gustaf da Suécia
Rei dos Países Baixos Guilherme Alexandre
Rei Hassan II do Marrocos
Rei Juan Carlos da Espanha
eic clientes biz brasil
Abilio Diniz
André Esteves
Antônio Ermírio de Moraes
Benjamin Steinbruch
Claudia Sender
Jorge Gerdau Johannpeter
Luiz Carlos Trabuco
Luiza Trajano
Pedro Moreira Salles
Roberto Setubal
Samuel Klein
eic clientes pessoas brasil
Arnaldo Jabor
Bernardinho do Vôlei
Bibi Ferreira
Gilberto Gil
Gustavo Kuerten
Jô Soares
José Wilker
Nelson Motta
Oscar Schmidt:
Regina Casé

Looking for high quality simultaneous translation or need assistance organizing the interpretation for your event? It will be our pleasure to ensure your event is a success.

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